Sunday, July 15, 2012

“He Never Leaves” p: 170

Twins From France

AyinBase with R' Paltiel Sunday 25 Tammuz 5772  

Page 170 – 6th line from the top of the page (line starts, 'legarmray...') For text, see link top right of the blog.

Effect of the tzimzum/contraction allows for the faculty of the finite to be exposed, though it still contains an element of the infinite.

In order for this to occur, which is the opposite of what it was previously (the finite hidden in infinity), there had to be a very powerful tzimzum.

The life of the person is an emanation from his soul/neshamah. The neshamah relates to G-dliness as the most simple and obvious reality. It is only the body that gives it the message, 'you know what, there is a world'... and then there is a reversal, the body sees the word as the obvious reality and G-dliness is a novelty...  

This reversal is due to the profound tzimzum/contraction.
In the worldly orientation, to take a simple illustration, the scientific definition of material is that 'it occupies space'. It does not allow another object to share its space. We see things from the opposite view. Scientific view says 'things made themselves and struggle to exist. We say Hashem provides for the existence of everything. He provides their needs. Nothing has to grab for itself. And here we are saying the kav – the creative line, is close to Him – but not that it has to grab hold for 'its own interest'. In truth it is the opposite, He provides for the kav/line in a way that won't overwhelm it. Infinity is embedded in the kav/line.

The Rebbe is explaining that as a result of the tzimzum there is a point that contains all the light that is needed for the world. This means that before the tzimzum light that had any relationship to the world, was completely unidentifiable.

The inner aspect is true and real. The external level is the presentation. In our world we see the external before the inner level. In our world the external precedes the inner. We see things and think about how to use them – this is the opposite of Torah orientation. The reason that in human life, there is progress and new inventions – a progression – is because the human being is so into the inner level he cannot see how it will be translated externally and it takes time for the inner reality to be manifest.

The tzimzum is the cause of this division of inner and external reality. Pnimius and chitzonius. This happened because there was concealment of the light.

This means the following; Ohr/light means cleaving to the essence – this is revelation of light. As long as there is Essence there is no inner and outer realities. There is just Him. The reality of essence, completely supersedes any disparity and conflict. When the host is at the table, all is subsumed in that atmosphere. But when the host leaves (hiding of the light) the more superficial details surface. In the analogy, He never leaves, but He conceals himself.
We say with the revelation of Moshiach there will be a revelation of essence. Where? In the inner and outer levels, because for Essence there is not difference!

World is the opposite of how things are in reality. In world, externality precedes internal reality/pnimiut. This is learning. First you don't see and then you learn. This is how you appreciate light. This is the process of discovery.

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