Thursday, July 26, 2012

“It Cannot be Discovered, Since it Cannot be Absent” p: 171

AyinBase with R' Paltiel Thursday 7 MenachemAv 5772 

Page 171 – lower third of the page (line starts, 'bebiya...') For text, see picture below or see link top right of the blog (needs update).

We are discussing what is comprehensible (and to what degree) of the ohr ein sof. Ohr ein sof (eis) on the one hand is a representation of atzmus and thus there is no comprehension of that level at all. On the other hand emanations are open to comprehension. 

Any comprehension is only of the light that has a functional element.

And through this we can now the light that is remote from world. This is a light that surrounds the world and does not express itself and thus cannot be grasped by any worldly experience. This too can be at various levels. Either it is in a form of 'just knowing that it exists', since we know that the essence of the ohr ein sof, has no connection to being involved with the world (eino be-erech lehitlbesh beolamot).

Things that come in bits and bytes can be known in the world. Worldly knowledge is incremental and relative. Thus in this world things can be and not be. This is a primary requirement for worldliness. Atzmus Ohr Ein Sof does not have this concept of 'not being' – it is a primary reality and a replica of atzmus/essence. It cannot be discovered, since it cannot be absent.

Thus what does find expression in worldly terms is only a ha-arah/reflection. A ha-arah or reflection is a subset of the real thing – meaning if you see something in the mirror, it looks like the original. You see the effect of the presence of the original without it being there. The Essence cannot be dressed in the world (since he doesn't have 2 states of being and not being), but the reflection does have these 2 states. This is like appearance without the essence.

This is unique to the Rebbe Rashab and his chassidus. He takes you behind the scenes. Beyond 'how do you know it' to 'how do you relate to it'. So look to understand the process.

The Rebbe says, that by means of knowing the light dressed in world you can begin to have a sense of the light that is beyond world.

We see the world is finite and limited and that something is absolutely real cannot be dressed in world. The appearance can be obstructed, but the real thing does not change.

P 171 Sent by Noah

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