Wednesday, July 18, 2012

“We Look at the Sky” p: 170

AyinBase with R' Paltiel Wednesday 28 Tammuz 5772 

Page 170 – 3rd line from the end of the top paragraph of the page (line starts, 'hamafsick...') For text, see link top right of the blog.

The mentor/mashpia, hides the light of the sechel/mind as an initial step. The light of sechel/mind is a broad reality – it is way beyond the 'thin legs of logic'. The light is what, 'holds the logic up'. A man who walks the tightrope, needs great skills, but the central focus of the feat is that he does not depend on the ground – like a human being in general he is held up by his goal – the focus of where he is going. If he looks down at the rope he falls. In a way this is like all human beings. We look at the sky, not at the ground.

To reach the student the mentor has to remove the light from himself and reduce things to their practical, earthly basis. But he doesn't leave it at that! He brings the light back – the light is drawn from that original light and is made to shine on the narrow structure.

The mentor brings light to shine on the practical level. And this is essential. Structure alone lack a soul/human value.

This light is not new, it is an aspect of the original light... and similar to it. It is from the external level of the light that was present before the concealment.

The illumination is from the original light and connects to it. It is from the way he understands himself, and connects back to himself. The mentor's essential faculty (kocho atzmi) is revealed to some extent.

This has all been a mashal/metaphor for the tzimzum.

The mentor does not teach what he knows, he teaches what he is!

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