Wednesday, August 1, 2012

“In a Way of Wonder” p: 171

AyinBase with R' Paltiel Wednesday 13 MenachemAv  

Page 171 – lower quarter of the page (line starts, 'shenimshach...') For text, see link top right of the blog. And picture below.

Besides knowing the light above the world there is a more profound knowledge, as an effect of the light that is within the world – in an aspect of knowing in a 'way of wonder'.

How do we get to know something supreme/wondrous? The higher light brings us to this. After we know and comprehend the local light that is reduced and dressed in the world.

For an animal the life force that is present is exclusively to animate the body. Man was made in a totally different manner. First the body was made from the earth and into this inanimate body was blown the breath of life itself. This breath of life was of a totally different quality.

This breath of life is a statement that the life of the human is not a life that is contained and limited by the body! There is a source for this life – He is blowing it... it animates the body, but it is essentially independent.

This life is representing the Blower. It has its own self definition and function – this is intelligence that is beyond body.

Light is continually representing the luminary. Thus by knowing the light dressed in world, one can see back to the light that is above and the source for this. This is like looking at the action of the hand – it is not purely physical, there is a light in it. 13th minute of the video.

So with this perception of the light dressed in the world we can then, by means of this strip away the level of 'revelation' to get to essence, that is devoid of revelation. We come a state of knowledge of the 'way of the supremacy/wonder of the ohr ein sof (yediah be-ofen ha-haflah de ohr ein sof...)

And we come too to a level of personal recognition/knowledge to be discussed tomorrow.

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