Friday, June 29, 2012

“Light of The Essence” p: 167

AyinBase with R' Paltiel Thursday 9 Tammuz 5772 

Page 167 – 3rd line from the end of the top paragraph of the page (line starts, 'vehadugmah...') For text, see link top right of the blog. Or for text right click here.

We are looking at light coming from essence. To do this we have been looking at Adam Kadmon / Primal Man. He is a creation, yet he is call primal. This man was conceived purely from the Essence. Thus there is a primal element in this man.

So we can say about 'Ohr Ein Sof / Infinite Light' as it comes from Essence, although it is not comparable to its Source, and is like a 'creation', yet still it has an aspect of 'tzurah azmius / essential form' - ie it has this form, 'not to accommodate anything' but because 'that is what it is'.

This is like saying, 'if essence was to reveal itself, this is how it would be'. In fact there is no revelation from Essence, but being that this is the first tzurah, this is the first revelation and thus it has koach ha-etzem / the power of essence. It carries the essence element. What is this? This is like the owner of his home, creating the space of the home.

When you go to his house you see the human form – you don't see his mind and emotions. The sechel/mind represents on a practical level the ratzon/will and oneg/pleasure of the soul. 21 min 50 sec of video. When you go to the house you just see the human form. Based on this human form you won't disturb things in the home. The form has the power of the nefesh itself. This is the meaning of tzurah atzmius – it is just a form, but it represents the essence in a form.

It is like this form is essence! In the arena of the functional world, this is essence.
When He placed the human being in the world it changed everything – he brings essence to the world.

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